Séquences : la revue de cinéma. No. 318, Avril 2019
Elie Castiel, Pierre-Alexandre Fradet, Anne-Christine Loranger, Truc Nguyen Quang, Jules Couturier, Maxime Labrecque, Gu
- La revue Séquences Inc.
- 11 Juin 2019
- 9782924354346
En ouverture du numéro d'avril-mai de la revue Séquences : le film Dogman du cinéaste italien Matteo Garrone qui raconte l'histoire d'un homme toiletteur pour chiens et, dans ses temps libres, revendeur de drogues. Lisez la critique du film et un entretien avec le réalisateur, mené par Élie Castiel. Lisez également une critique du plus récent film de Denis Côté : Répertoire des villes disparues et l'entretien mené par Pierre-Alexandre Fradet avec le réalisateur. Au nombre des films retenus dans ce numéro comptez, entre autres, Capharnaüm de Nadine Labaki, Cold War de Pawel Pawlikowski, Dilili à Paris de Michel Ocelot dans la rubrique Gros Plan et Des histoires inventées de Jean-Marc E. Roy, Troisièmes noces de David Lambert et Impetus de Jennifer Alleyn dans la rubrique Critique. Au sommaire également : un portrait de la réception du cinéma français au Québec, une rubrique recensions bonifiée et un hommage à Bernardo Bertolucci, décédé en novembre dernier.
Traces à venir ; nouvelles et récits
Ossito Midiohouan Gu
- Editions L'Harmattan
- 2 Septembre 2015
- 9782336388236
« Peu à peu, le supplicié défaillait, se rapetissait, s'anéantissait mais dressait courageusement avec la complicité de ses amis, le panorama de sa future peine. En bon comédien, il réserva le meilleur pour la fin : lorsqu'il se tint le bas-ventre dans un fou rire général ce fut Têlé qui conclut :
-Mais oui Ayité, demain tu ne seras plus Ayité.
Alors le pitre se laissa choir si lourdement que les rires se figèrent :
- L'homme est tombé, gémit le mort
-Aidons le à se relever, dirent les autre, tous ensemble »
Sommes-nous fondés à parler de crise structurelle de la santé ? La demande insatiable de santé tient-elle lieu, dans nos sociétés, de dérivation à l'angoisse existentielle ? Quel serait l'apport d'un concept normatif de la santé, qui soit perspectiviste et opératoire ? Un concept perspectiviste. Distribuons le concept de santé entre les perspectives différentes des trois personnes pronominales, je, tu, il : la « santé-je », vécue par le patient, la « santé-tu », thématisée, comme dans le rapport à son médecin, et la « santé-il », des politiques publiques notamment. Envisagée dans chacune de ces trois dimensions, la notion de santé se révèle dépendante d'attentes et d'exigences formulées culturellement. L'usage que nous en faisons dit quelque chose de notre identité. Un concept opératoire. Évaluons le concept de santé à l'aune des capabilities, capacité d'une personne à réaliser son bien-être. Émerge alors une notion presque « scandaleuse » en un bon sens du terme : celle d'un état de relative satisfaction du patient malade quant à ses capacités de vivre sa maladie d'une façon qui, à ses yeux, serait finalement « bonne » quand même. Trois textes ouvrent ce livre, le premier d'un cycle sur la santé : de Mark Hunyadi, « La santé-je, -tu, -il : retour sur le normal et le pathologique » ; de Caroline Guibet Lafaye, « Penser le droit à la santé au prisme des capacités de base » ; de Jean-Marc Ferry, « De la maladie comme crise à la crise de la Santé publique ».
Urban Morphology, Architectural Typology and Cities in Transition
Yinsheng Tian, Kai Gu, Wei Tao
- EDP Sciences
- Current natural sciences
- 18 Octobre 2021
- 9782759826742
As a body of theoretical knowledge, urban morphology in the West principally emerged within two disciplines and two parts of Europe. On the one hand there is the Anglo-German geographical school, associated with M.R.G Conzen. On the other hand there is the Italian architectural school, associated with Gianfranco Caniggia and Saverio Muratori. Based on an introduction to the theoretical tradition of the two morphological schools and their relationships, this book explores their application in empirical research and planning practice. In relation to the making of Chinese urban landscape, this book particularly focuses on the
advancement of urban morphological theory and its significance for urban conservation. -
Architectures of Memory
Olivier Asselin, Marie-Laure Cazin, Georges Didi-Huberman, Larisa Dryansky, Marie Fraser, Arno Gisinger, Emmanuel Gu
- Les presses du réel
- 9 Février 2022
- 9782378963088
The transitional situation that we are experiencing, which brings together a book culture with a culture of the screen, is gradually shifting us from a graphic reason to a computational one. In the same way that writing has made it possible to generate a particular mode of thought, where lists, tables and formulas have played a primordial role in the modeling of knowledge. With digital technology, other systems of knowledge are being invented, shaping of information and its transmission. Indeed, the development of the network, of a vast cyberspace, induces a particular rationality based on calculation rather than writing, which is the only way to make it intelligible. It is therefore understandable that memory architectures, in their contemporary, essentially digital, actualization are at the heart of a transformation of the human mind. It is still too early to determine exactly what is going on with this transformation, but it is important now to trace the contours of this situation and to explore trails that may mark out some of its most salient aspects.
Structural Analysis
Junfeng Gu, Lei Yang, Jingjie Chen, Xiaofei Hu, Dixiong Yang
- EDP Sciences
- Textbooks for Tomorrows Scientists
- 12 Décembre 2023
- 9782759831913
Structural Analysis is a basic course for undergraduate students with majors of civil engineering, engineering mechanics, flight vehicle design, mechanical engineering, naval architecture and ocean engineering etc., and is also an introductory course for undergraduates to learn and master the analysis and design of beam, truss, frame, arch and composite structures for buildings, bridges and flight vehicles and so on.
This textbook includes eight chapters, and covers introduction, kinematic analysis of plane member systems, analysis of statically determinate structures,
principle of virtual work and deflection calculation, force method, displacement method, influence lines of structures under moving loads, and matrix displacement method.
Main features of this textbook lie in: (1) strengthened the interestingness and readability, and increased brief introduction on the developmental history of structural analysis and the important figures; (2) adopted the kinematic method to construct exactly and rapidly the influence lines of forces of statically indeterminate structures proposed by the author, and highlighted the energy principles and methods; (3) increased introducing the backgrounds of engineering applications; (4) from the viewpoints of history, methodology, aesthetic appreciation and creative thinking, inspected structural analysis and strived to cultivate the innovative talents. The present book emphasizes fundamental theories, concepts, computational methods and engineering applications of structural analysis. It can be used as a textbook for undergraduates with majors of civil engineering, engineering mechanics, flight vehicle design, mechanical engineering, and ocean engineering etc., while being a helpful reference for engineers and professionals in the relevant fields. -
Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism
Herbert Allen Giles, Gu Hongming
- Human and Literature Publishing
- 13 Février 2024
- 9782381119465
This book deals with history of the religions in China.
The problem of the universe has never offered the slightest difficulty to Chinese philosophers. Before the beginning of all things, there was Nothing. In the lapse of ages, nothing coalesced into Unity, the Great Monad. After more ages, the Great Monad separated into Duality, the Male and Female Principles in nature; and then, by a process of biogenesis, the visible universe was produced.
Divination seems to have been practised in China from the earliest ages. The implements used were the shell of the tortoise, spiritualised by the long life of its occupant, and the stalks of a kind of grass, to which also spiritual powers had for some reason or other been attributed. These were the methods, we are told, by which the ancient Kings made their people revere spirits, obey the law, and settle all their doubts. God gave these spiritual boons to mankind, and the sages took advantage of them...
Under the influence of Confucius, B.C. 551-479, the old order of things began to undergo a change. The Sage's attitude of mind towards religion was one of a benevolent agnosticism, as summed up in his famous utterance, "Respect the spirits, but keep them at a distance... -
Le gouvernement de sanche pansa : comedie
Gu Rin De Bouscal Da
- Librairie Droz
- 1 Juin 2008
- 9782600325660
Le gouvernement de Sanche Pansa fut, avec Dom Japhet d'Arménie, la reprise préférée de Molière. Il s'agit d'une pièce importante qui se trouve à la jonction du théâtre burlesque et de la Renaissance. C'est ici sa première réédition depuis 1642. La vie et la carrière de Guérin de Bouscal on été patiemment redécouvertes par C.E.J. Caldicott. L'édition de la pièce donne toutes les indications, scéniques et autres, du texte original.
La diplomatie commerciale de la Chine résulte d'un processus complexe. Depuis son accession à l'OMC en 2001, la Chine a affirmé à plusieurs reprises sa confiance et son optimisme pour le système commercial multilatéral. Or, comme tous les grands pays, sa diplomatie commerciale ne se limite pas au multilatéralisme, elle comporte aussi une très forte propension vis-à-vis du régionalisme et du bilatéralisme. Plus récemment, le projet dit des « Nouvelles Routes de la Soie » lancé en automne 2013, est devenu la stratégie centrale de la diplomatie commerciale chinoise à l'ère de Xi Jinping, qui a pour objectif de promouvoir la coopération régionale, et de renforcer l'influence économique et politique de la Chine dans les pays riverains.
Shanan He, Zuoshuang Zhang, Yin Gu, Bing Xia, Collectif
- EDP Sciences
- Current natural sciences
- 9 Février 2021
- 9782759825318
The theory, methodology, technology, and achievements of research on botanical gardens worldwide are for the first time systematically reviewed and summarized, and form the foundation of Botanical Garden Science, PHYTOHORTOLOGY.
Chapters 1-8, as Part One, are the "General Introduction and Fundamental Theories and Principles of Botanical Garden Science, PHYTOHORTOLOGY," and Chapters 9-11, as Part Two, are the text for "Individual Botanical
Major achievements in botanical gardens, including research on plant introduction and acclimatization, economic plants, and environmental plants, were presented in this book. Principles and methods for plant conservation in botanical gardens were suggested.
Based on the achievements of the authors' studies of innovations in concepts, theories and practice on plant introduction and acclimatization, ex-situ conservation and stress cultivation of medicinal plants, and plant diversity conservation and utilization in cities were presented.
Owing to the importance of visualization, more than 2,000 pictures were selected for this book to show and transfer the information, thought, feelings, and inspiration that could not be expressed by words and text alone.
In addition, there are introductions to more than 200 individual botanical gardens all over the world in order to allow readers to easily recognize those botanical gardens, and to deepen their feelings and understanding as well as to create the thought leap in their minds. Many of those pictures were especially provided by botanical gardens both domestic and abroad.
This book is appropriate for readers including those who work in botanical gardens, on plant conservation, for landscape and scenery areas and natural protected land, on city construction, on landscape art and architecture, in gardening and landscaping, on education, and policy makers and administration leaders.
This English version is translated from the Chinese version published in 2005.